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When is Slow Art Day 2025?
April 5th

What is Slow Art Day?

Officially it is an international event founded by Phyl Terry. ( I don’t know Phyl Terry. I’ve never met them. I know little to nothing about them. I just know I agree with the model, spirit and focus of the event. On Slow Art Day you set aside two hours of your time. You observe an exhibition of Art, SLOWLY (and quietly) with others for the first hour and for the second hour you talk with each other about the Art you just observed…over a meal or drinks or snacks or coffee or whatever. The conversation is usually facilitated by someone who has previous knowledge of the Art exhibit you just observed. Some venues charge a cover, others don’t. Some people celebrate in private homes, others in public spaces. The rules aren’t strict. There are just two:  

1.) Look at Art SLOWLY and quietly for 1 hour.

2.) Talk about it together for an hour.

Slow Art Day is an intellectual event that people of all walks of life, ability, age, bank roll, can come together around and enjoy. Slow Art Day is the holiday you never knew you needed. Slow Art Day is a celebration of everything good about humanity. It doesn’t glorify war. It doesn’t discriminate in any way. It only serves to create connection, community, and Critical Thought. And guess what else…it makes you feel good too.

Why Slowly & Quietly?

Why Talk About It?

Art, in most cases, is stationary in comparison to tech generated/dependent media. Even if you are watching a piece of live Performance Art, it is something that exists in a specific time and space and is consumed and processed by the mind in a different way. When was the last time you looked at something and truly considered it in an intellectual manner? How does it make you feel? What does it remind you of? How is it made? Who made it? Do you like it? Do you not like it? And most importantly: WHY? Once you engage yourself in this way it can be a deeply moving experience. Looking at Art slowly and quietly promotes Critical Thought in an organic way. Critical Thought is a skill that can be cultivated. Critical Thought is something we desperately need across the World.

I understand the thought of public speaking is anxiety causing to many. The conversation that happens on Slow Art Day isn’t really like “public speaking”. It’s just a conversation between some people, and there are no right or wrong answers. At my events I pose three questions to visiting participants. 1.) Which piece of Art is your favorite? 2.) Which piece of Art is your least favorite? 3.) Why?

No one needs any special skill or education to answer those three questions. There’s no wrong or right answer. Art doesn’t get jealous. Art doesn’t compete. Art doesn’t judge. You can like a painting or not and the painting isn’t hurt. And a secure Artist doesn’t get hurt either. 


How Can I Participate in Slow Art Day With 1UV Gallery Studio?

There are 5 ways to participate in Slow Art Day:

1) As an exhibiting Artist

2) As a docent

3) As an Art exhibition Venue

4) As a food and/or beverage vendor

5) As a viewer


You may be able to participate in more than one way. For example: perhaps you are a restaurant or beverage venue that already exhibits the Art of local artists. You register to participate and the Organizer will pair you with the appropriate partner(s). Restaurants will set the price of their menu/offering for the event. Exhibiting venue will receive $10 per ticket sold. Individual Artists exhibiting will receive $10 per each ticket sold. Docent, if not the exhibiting Artist, will receive $5 per ticket sold.  The organizer of the event (1UV Gallery Studio) receives $10 per ticket sold for organizing and marketing. The viewer pays for the ticket to enjoy the experience.


So, here are some hypothetical ticket situations for your 1UV Partnered Slow Art Day 2025 event:


1) Sally Jean is a local artist. She gets partnered with Jim Bob's Burger Barn. Jim Bob hangs Sally's paintings to exhibit on Slow Art Day and offers a $20 menu. Sally Jean acts as docent and facilitates the discussion portion of her ticket. The Organizer collects the registration and ticket fees and pairs Sally Jean with Jim Bob's, prints marketing materials and helps promote the event. The event happens at Jim Bob's Burger Barn. The total ticket cost for Sally Jean/Jim Bob's Slow Art Day Event is: $50. Sally Jean receives $10 per ticket sold. Jim Bob's receives $30 per ticket sold ($20 for menu and $10 for being exhibiting venue). The Organizer receives $10 per ticket sold. The viewer buys the ticket for $50 and has a great experience! And who knows? Maybe Sally Jean sells a painting.




I am registering PRIMARILY as:
I am also registering as:

2) Gupta owns a gallery and exhibits the work of three artists. He partners with Jerry's Wine Bar just a block away. Jerry's Wine Bar offers a $25 tasting menu. Gupta hosts the exhibit/viewing portion of the event then acts as docent and facilitates the discussion portion of the event at Jerry's Wine Bar. The Organizer collects the registration and ticket fees and pairs Gupta with Jerry, prints marketing materials and helps promote the event. The event starts at Gupta's Gallery and finishes at Jerry's Wine Bar walking distance away from Guptas. The total ticket cost for Gupta/Jerry's Slow Art Day Event is: $80. Gupta receives $15 per ticket sold ($10 for exhibiting and $5 for acting as docent). Each exhibiting Artist receives $10 per ticket sold. Jerry's receives $25 per ticket sold. The Organizer receives $10 per ticket sold. The viewer purchases the ticket for $80 and has a great time. And who knows? Maybe Gupta sells some Artworks.


3) Vu is a property manager with a vacant store front. Vu registers to participate as an exhibition venue. Daniella is a sculptor and registers to participate as an artist but will be out of town on the day of the event so her sister, Gloria registers to participate as a docent. Gustavo has a food service business that doesn't have seating. He registers to participate as a food vendor. The Organizer collects the registration and ticket fees and pairs Vu, Daniella, Gloria and Gustavo, prints marketing materials and helps promote the event. Gustavo makes finger food/snacks and agua frescas. He sets his menu price at $30. The total cost of the ticket is $55. Vu receives $10 per ticket sold AND can advertise the availability of his vacant store front. Daniella receives $10 per ticket sold. Gloria receives $5 per ticket sold. Gustavo receives $30 per ticket sold. The Organizer receives $10 per ticket sold. The viewer pays $55 and has a great time. And who knows? Maybe Daniella sells a sculpture.


4) Happytown High School Art Class registers to exhibit the work of three graduating Seniors. The school's Rotary Club registers to make ice cream sundays and sets the menu at $15. The Art Teacher acts as docent. The Organizer collects the registration and ticket fees for the group, prints marketing materials and helps promote the event. The total cost of the ticket is $70. Happytown High School receives $10 per ticket sold. Each Senior receives $10 per ticket sold. The Rotary Club receives $15 per ticket sold. The Art teacher receives $5 per ticket sold. The Organizer receives $10 per ticket sold. The viewer pays $70 for the ticket and has a great time! And who knows? Maybe the Seniors sell Artwork.

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